I am a dance theatre performer and director who has trained in Mime (International School of Corporeal Mime, UK). I have worked internationally as a performer and movement director with OneTasteUK, Theatre De L’Ange Fou, Secret Cinema, Gecko Theatre, and Punch Drunk.
"The heart of my performance work is driven by the passion to create creative, thoughtful and risky performance worlds which explore Borders, identities and questions of the culture of being human today. Performance worlds where there are interactions which invite impulsive, instinctive and freeing spaces for the participants where in the heart of these spaces, there is place for dialogue. My hope is to keep freeing the space between audience and stage relationship and finding new ways to challenge these boundaries, what we know as audience into ones we don't."
Buster’s Silver Screen Daydreams. Director, choreographer, performer. OneTaste Theatre, Samuel Beckett Festival Enniskillen, 2013-2014
OneTaste Theatre Cabaret. Choreographer, performer, producer. Touring Festivals UK. 2012-2014.
Laura Marling’s Album. Choreographer. Secret Music, 2013.
Saturday Night Fever. Performance director. Future Cinema, 2013.
The Third Man. Performer/ performance director. Secret Cinema, 2012.
Bugsy Malone. Performer / choreographer. Future Cinema, 2012.
La Haine. Project manager / performance director. The Other Cinema, 2012.
Prometheus. Performer/ movement director. Secret Cinema, 2012.
Missing. Devising performer. Dir. Amit Lahav. Gecko Theatre, 2011.
The Interdependence Movement - It Starts With Us New York. Performer / production. One Taste, 2011.
California Experiences, Lost Boys and Top Gun, Performer. Dir. Matt Costain. Future Cinema, 2011.
Hector Harkness/Black Diamond. Performer. PunchDrunk, 2011.
Blue Velvet, Dorothy, performer. Dir Fabien Rigall, Secret Cinema, .2011.
Blade Runner. Brenda replicant, performer. Dir. Fabien Riggall, Secret Cinema, 2011.
Showgirl, performer. Dir. Maxine Doyle and Felix Barret, Punchdrunk, 2011.
Ticking Tock. Mrs. Walzwigen, performer. Dir. Matt Smart, International School of Corporeal Mime, 2009.
Guntie’s Illusions. Mr. Pinki, performer. Dir. Steve Wasson and Corinne Soum, International School of Corporeal Mime, 2009.
It’s Not You It’s Me. Lady (film), performance. Dir. Patrick Dickenson, INYIM, 2009.
The I Candy. Lost Child, Performer and director. UK Festivals. 2009.
Eurovision Finals. MTV Presenter, Dir. Fabien Riggel, Future Shorts /Secret Cinema, 2009.
Watchmen Premier. CNN News presernter, performer. Dir. Fabien Riggel, Future Cinema / Secret Cinema, 2009.
And The Bride Fell Down. Page Marie, performer. Dir. Steve Wasson and Corinne Soum, International School of Corporeal Mime, 2008.
The Way. Lead Secretary/Susan, performer. Dir. Steve Wasson and Corinne Soum, International School of Corporeal Mime, 2008.
The Harder They Come. Peaches, Dir. Fabien Riggel, Future Shorts, 2008.
The Marriage. Marie Anne, performer. Dir. Steve Wasson and Corinne Soum, International School of Corporeal Mime, 2007.
Ghostbusters. Donna (lead), performer. Dir. Fabien Riggel, Future Shorts / Secret Cinema, 2007.
A Night at The Opera. Main Usherette, performer. Dir. Fabien Riggel, Corporate / Secret Cinema, 2007.
Phaedras Love. Psychologist, performer. Dir. Mark Filling, Annasmanagement, Soho Theatre, 2006.
Polygraph. Lucy Champagne, performer. Dir. Mark Filling, Annasmanagement, Soho Theatre, 2006.
Close to Home. Perach (film), performer. Dir. Vardir Bilu and Dalia Hager, Transfax Film Productions, 2005.
Delusions. Main waitress (film), performer. Dir. Estin Nimrod and Saar Lachmi, Dana Productions, 2004-5.